Young Living Essential Oils

Young Living Essential Oils

Essential oils have countless benefits for almost every ailment. Have a raindrop massage and thank yourself! See Events as we often have classes on Young Living and aromatherapy.

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The Raindrop Technique, developed by D. Gary Young, N.D. and a Lakota medicine man almost two decades ago, uses a sequence of nine highly immune enhancing essential oils. They are dropped like rain from a height of about 6 inches onto the spine and then lightly massaged in using various hand to body techniques. This stimulate energy impulses and disperses the oils along the nervous system throughout the entire body.

We all carry immune system depleting viruses and bacteria. Essential oils applied to the spinal column are absorbed through the nerves that feed the entire body. Wonderfully soothing, nurturing and relaxing, the Raindrop Technique can work its benefits in the body for days, weeks or months. With essential oils applied via the Raindrop Technique, the body can be brought into balance and the energy centers can be cleared and re-aligned. The Raindrop Techniquealso helps reduce spinal inflammation, creates an inhospitable environment for the viruses that hibernate along the spinal column, and may help to straighten any spinal curvatures. Although a session lasts about 45 minutes to an hour, the oils will continue to work in the body for a minumum of a week following the treatment.

The essential oils used for the Raindrop Technique are as follows (instructional videos for individuals and animals are at the bottom of the article):

Valor- A special blend from YLEO that works on electrical and energy alignment of the body. The key to using this blend of oils is patience. Once the frequencies begin to balance in these areas, then a structural alignment can occur. This is the most important oil used in this application.

Thyme- One of the most antiseptic essential oils. It contains thymol, which has been studied for its effect on gingivitis and plaque causeing organisms in the mouth. It may be beneficial in helping to overcome fatigue and exhaustion. This essential oil can easily penetrate the body, and may help kill any bacteria that may be present. It has been shown to supply energy during times of stress and physical weakness.

Oregano- Works similarly to thyme but is more aggressive and may help stimulate the immune sysem, balance metabolism and strengthen the vital centers of the body.

Wintergreen- Contains the same active ingredient (methyl salicylate) as birch and is beneficial for massage associated with bone, muscle and joint discomfort. It may elevate and increase awareness on the sensory system.

Cypress- One of the oils most used to support the circulatory system.

Peppermint- One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Peppermint has been found to improve mental accuracy and sooth the respiratory system. Jean Valnet M.D., studied peppermint's effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have also researchedpeppermint's role in how it may affect impaired taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William N. Dember (University of Cincinnati) studied peppermint's ability to directly affect the brain's satiety center, which triggers a sense of fullness after meals.

Basil- This essential oil may relax muscles, including smooth muscles (those not subject to our voluntary control, such as the heart and digestive system). It may also be used to soothe insect bites when applied topically. Beneficial for mental fatigue and  may help stimulate and sharpen the sense of smell.

Marjoram- This is used for calming the respiratory system, assist in relieving spasms and help relax the musles. It also assists in calming the nerves and is considered an antiseptic.

Aroma Siez- This special YLEO blend may help relax, calm and relieve tight, sore, tired and aching muscles resulting from sports injuries, fatigue and stress.

Written instruction on the Raindrop Technique. Videos for Raindrop on individuals:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Animal Raindrop Videos:

Dog Raindrop

Cat Raindrop

Horse Raindrop

Contact us if you would like a session or to learn how to do this wonderful technique!

Far Infra Red U-Tube
This u-tube gives info about what infra red does.
This is not the unit I have but the concept is the same.
Look at the flash for the unit I carry.

Use this as educational purposes only. thank-you


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